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When you invest in quality, sustainably made jewelry, it should last a lifetime. However, there are some things you can do to prolong the sparkle and shine of your piece. We are committed to using only solid gold and solid, natural gemstones, and you might find in time that these need some polishing to revive their gleam. 


Polishing jewelry can be done at home with a 100% cotton cloth. Make sure you move delicately over the surface to protect the gem. You can also try using a toothbrush with lukewarm water and use soft movements to clean any grime that builds up over time on the inside of rings. 


Opals can be gently wiped with a damp cotton cloth. Do not use detergents, bleach or chemical cleaners as these can damage the stone. 


If your chain happens to get tangled, we suggest using a toothpick to softly  unpick the knot, or using a tiny amount of oil to untangle as this can loosen it. Alternatively you can take it to a local jeweller as they are experienced in this area. 


In our personal experience, when using high quality opals they tend to be more durable and in our opinion completely suitable for everyday wear if done so mindfully. Solid opals have no issues being exposed to water. 


 Only put your jewellery on after applying make-up, perfumes, lotions, etc. and gently give them a good wipe with the cleaning cloth we have provided before storing them at the end of the day.


We accept Visa, Mastercard, NETS, for local and international orders. 

Currency is in SGD.

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